How much do babies typically eat when breastfeeding?

A newborn\’s tummy is very small, especially in the early days. Once breastfeeding is established, exclusively breastfed babies who are 1 to 6 months old take in between 19 and 30 ounces of breastmilk each day. If you breastfeed your baby eight times a day, your baby will get around 3 ounces per feeding. But every baby is different.

The Newborn Tummy

At birth, the baby\’s stomach can comfortably digest what would fit in a hazelnut (about 1 to 2 teaspoons). By around 10 days, the baby\’s stomach grows to hold about 2 ounces, or what would fit in a walnut.



Typical number of wet diapers and bowel movements in a baby\’s first week (it is fine if your baby has more) 1 day = 24 hours*

Baby\’s age Number of wet diapers Number of bowel movements Texture and color of bowel movements
Day 1 (first 24 hours after birth) 1-2 The first bowel movement usually occurs within 8 hours after birth Thick, tarry, and black
Day 2 2 3 Thick, tarry, and black
Day 3 5-6 disposable, 
6-8 cloth
3 Looser and greenish to yellow (color may vary)
Day 4 6 3 Soft, watery, and yellow
Day 5 6 3 Loose, seedy, and yellow
Day 6 6 3 Loose, seedy, and yellow
Day 7 6 3 Larger amounts of loose, seedy, and yellow

Keep in mind that, if using disposable diapers, the absorbency may make it harder to tell if the diaper is wet. Use this chart as a guide, but talk to your child\’s doctor if you are concerned about your child not getting enough milk.

*Source: American Academy of Pediatrics